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Music Production, where do I start?

Some of the main questions we get asked here at The Sound Kitchen are ‘How do I get into music production?’, ‘where do I start?’ , or ‘what software to do I need to be able to make music?’. As well as trying to answer these questions, we’ll break down the pros and cons of our chosen suggestions, making sure that you can make an informed decision on the right choice for you.

While it is very possible to create electronic music, or perform sequencing without a computer, we wouldn’t recommend this to any beginners, as things can get pretty technical fairly quickly. The speediest way to get going is through software, often referred to as a DAW, meaning Digital Audio Workstation, this will provide the foundation of everything you need to get you creating, almost straight away.

Firstly we’ll introduce you to Ableton Live. Available for both PC and Mac users, Ableton is a living, breathing jamming tool, perfect for those who are looking for a live element to their music production. With its ‘clip view’ operating as a virtual loop station, it makes for a very quick, jam friendly workflow, ideal for instrument players, or experimenters alike to have a very instant gratifying creation process. To get full use out of all that this software has to offer, there is arguably a bigger learning curve than some other software however things are becoming more and more user friendly with every new edition. The latest of which, Ableton 10, is bringing cutting edge developments to music production. If you are looking for a fun, interactive approach to production, or live performance, on any type of operating system, then Ableton is for you.

Our second recommendation comes via Apple, with their flagship music production software, Logic Pro. Currently only available on Mac, Logic is a powerhouse for music production. Logic is our go to software at The Sound Kitchen for all things mixing and mastering too. While operating as an excellent production centre, it tends offer itself to more of a calculated approach, as opposed to a jam/loop/live style format that you would get with Ableton, although it can be made to work in a similar way using Mainstage as an add on. Some people prefer Logic’s strategic style and it is recommended for anyone who may want to methodically build their parts and arrangement, such as a non instrument-playing individual.

In summary, both have their advantages, but they pretty much do the same things, albeit in their own unique ways. If youd like to try either of them, then speak to us about a visit to our studios, where we can talk you through getting started on your music production journey.

Bonus question… “Do I need a midi keyboard?” Not necessarily, however they are a great tool you to help to get ideas down. Many producers find they can work without one. There’s lots of ways of working for non-instrument playing producers that don’t require any musical knowledge to make decent, musical material. If this sounds like you, we’d love to show you how you can still create at a good standard using software alone.

Our inbox is always open and we look forward to answering any questions you may have.



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