At the Sound Kitchen, there is a firm belief that music should be accessible to people from all walks of life. No matter where you're from, who you are, or what your bank balance is, your creativity shouldn't be restricted, before you've even had chance to realise your potential.
As a trial, I've decided to run the next Ableton beginner course on a 'pay what you can afford' basis. This means that if you're out of work, or struggling just to get by, but have a genuine passion for music, then you're more than welcome to come on this course for free. No questions asked. If you're doing okay and wish to contribute, then you can do so at an amount which you feel comfortable with.
Ableton is currently available to download for free from their website, as a 90 days free trial. It is compatible with both Mac and PC.
The course is designed to cover everything you need to get started on your music creation journey. All we require is your email so that the Zoom link can be sent out to you before the date. Please message us with your email to reserve your space. If you wish to contribute anything you feel comfortable with (not a requirement), then the Paypal address is mitchwell_2@hotmail.com
Age: 14 - ?
Cost: £0 - ?
Date: 29th July 2021
Time: 6pm - 9pm